Deepening Your Shamanic Practice

Deepening Your Shamanic Practice

Use Spirit’s exercises to reconnect with your inner compassion. Deepen your ability to journey by taking your shamanic practice to the next level. Become more skillful in your shamanic journey practice by aligning more deeply with your power animals. Explore and find...
New Moon Shamanic Journey

New Moon Shamanic Journey

In this Shamanic journey Vicki will open sacred space then lead you in a journey to find what direction/goals you can be working on during this new moon phase. What are you ready to bring into your world? Feel free to bring smudge, candle, pen & paper and whatever...
Intro to Shamanic Journeying & the Spirit World

Intro to Shamanic Journeying & the Spirit World

This 7-session course will introduce you to Shamanism, it’s history, and the power of shamanic journeying as a tool to enhance your life, deepen your creativity, and resolve daily challenges.  Learn about spirit guides, visit the three realms of non-ordinary...
Shamanic Journey to explore/heal past life karma

Shamanic Journey to explore/heal past life karma

n this shamanic journey Vicki Snyder-Young will guide you to your journey place and drum while you explore any past life/  karmic issues. When you return she will walk you through clearing or healing what was uncovered. Please bring a candle, toothpick,  pen &...