by Barbara Brennan | Jul 12, 2020
For those familiar with journeying who would like to enjoy several of journeying with a bent toward Celtic shamanism. I will lead some while other intentions can be decided at the time. These are always powerful and Rewarding.
by Kedar S. Brown, M.Ed. CHT | Mar 12, 2020
“What is broken in this world can only be healed from the other world, and what is broken in the other world can only be healed from this world.” – Celtic Proverb Join us for this live webinar where Kedar S. Brown will describe the purpose & cadence of a...
by Jane Burns | Mar 7, 2018
Perhaps no other story in Celtic mythology demonstrates more succinctly the unbearable weight of grief than that of the great hero, Cu Cuchlainn at the death of his son, Connla. The young warrior’s death comes tragically and unwittingly at Cu Cuchlainn’s own hand,...
by Tom Cowan | Jun 13, 2017
There is a type of fairy encounter often dismissed as less authentic and less significant than other types, and yet possibly the most common encounter and one with the most positive, uplifting effects on the human spirit. This is what I call encountering the “faerie...