This poem by Rainier Maria Rilke is one of my favorites: I believe in all that has never yet been spoken. I want to free what waits within me so that what no one has dared to wish for may for once spring clear without my contriving. If this is arrogant, God, forgive...
Author Profile

Jane Burns
Jane Burns
Jane Burns is a practitioner and teacher of Celtic and core shamanic studies, who lives in Southbury, CT. Her shamanic novel and handbook, Up A Tree, was published in 2014, and she is at work on another novel that is inspired by Celtic mythology. She remains an avid student of Celtic spirituality and tradition, and can be contacted through her website.
Our Unspent Grief: The Lost Art of Keening
Perhaps no other story in Celtic mythology demonstrates more succinctly the unbearable weight of grief than that of the great hero, Cu Cuchlainn at the death of his son, Connla. The young warrior’s death comes tragically and unwittingly at Cu Cuchlainn’s own hand,...