Healing Circle

Healing Circle

Our Monthly Healing Circle meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Kwai Fah Acupuncture Clinic in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood. We sit together in a sacred circle with a simple altar in the center on which to put our requests for healing and prayers. When we...
Monthly Shamanic Circle in Chicago

Monthly Shamanic Circle in Chicago

We meet monthly to do two journeys. The first journey is aligned to the calendar and explores an aspect of the time of year relative to us personally. For example: In the spring we might journey with our helping spirits and plant new seeds or tend seeds that have lay...
Shamanic Offerings

Shamanic Offerings

There are specific locales on Earth that hold great power, contain the ability to heal and can quicken the awakening process. These areas, sometimes referred to as power spots, act as portals to the spirit world and often reside near natural expressions of beauty such...