Dreaming Wild with Water

Dreaming Wild with Water

Mountain waters are beginning to thaw and flow freely. Spring is on its way. Let’s gather together and journey to the waters and ask what we can do to help them to clear and heal. How can we help our beautiful, watery planet to restore balance? Water is Life. Let’s...
Dreaming Wild – Autumn

Dreaming Wild – Autumn

We gather, A small circle of dreamers The drumbeat sounds And off we go… This month, we will turn to the west and explore the wisdom of Autumn and Elemental Water. An ancient Water Goddess or two will also join us. Nancy Lankston will personally guide our journeys, as...
Elemental Dreaming – Listening to the Land

Elemental Dreaming – Listening to the Land

Join NancyL for a shamanic journey into the sacred land beneath our feet; the land that supports and nourishes us every single day of our lives. We will call on Green Tara, the ancient forest goddess for help and guidance. Green Tara lives at the heart of wild,...
Elemental Dreaming – Love Your Mama

Elemental Dreaming – Love Your Mama

Shamanism Without Borders Tending As Earth Day approaches, our thoughts naturally turn to loving, honoring and helping Mama Earth. Please join Nancy Lankston in a shamanic exploration with Mama Earth. Let’s journey in the  shamanic style and ask the land and waters...
Full Moon Blessing – Live & Recorded

Full Moon Blessing – Live & Recorded

Receive the bright and nourishing energies of the March Worm Full Moon through this remote ceremony, clearing, and blessing. Attend live or listen to the recording. By requesting an invite, you will receive a link to both the live event and the audio recording. Sign...