Trip to Ireland at Bealtaine
May 5 - May 11

Sacred Sites 7-night Tour with attendance a the Magnificent Bealtaine Fire Festival at the Hill of Uisneach – May 5 – 11, 2025
You can save significant money by being in the FIRST 6 to commit to this trip.
Join us on this once in a lifetime, bucket-list awe-inspiring pilgrimage to Ireland during the sacred time of Bealtaine. We are thrilled to lead this trip to some of the most energetically and mythically charged places in Ireland! If you have an interest in ancient sacred Ireland, or if you have studied (or merely been intrigued by) Celtic Shamanism, this trip will be perfect for you. There is simply nothing like standing on the sites that appear in so many old tales and texts, and hearing the tales told on that land. These sites radiate profound energy.
The center of our trip will be to attend the Bealtaine Fire Festival at the sacred center of Ireland – the Hill of Uisneach, just north of Dublin. This daylong festival is attended by about 5,000 people. Crafters, artisans, storytellers, musicians, and food will be in abundance. As dusk falls, the festival culminates in a spectacular fashion as a procession of fire and light winds its way through the festival village, with performers dressed in evocative costumes bringing age-old stories to life. The crowd ascends to the summit of the sacred hill together, where the Great Fire is lit—a breathtaking moment as its flames stretch high into the sky, visible across as many as 20 counties. This monumental blaze heralds the coming of the season’s bounties, a tradition that has been celebrated for centuries and continues to inspire awe.
In addition to the Fire Festival, we will also visit several incredible ancient power spots, including Newgrange, Sliabh na Calli (the Cairn of the Cailleach), the Hill of Tara, and St. Brigid’s healing well. These sites are filled with enormous power and awe, and we will be following an ancient shamanic practice of making a pilgrimage to sacred spots to absorb power, wisdom, healing and vision. Along the way, you’ll be regaled with the ancient tales connected to the sites.
Another thrilling part of our trip is the opportunity to work with my Irish shamanic colleagues, Karen Ward and John Cantwell of Sli An Chroi. Karen will accompany us toe Brigid’s well in Kildare and offer us the Brigid’s Fire Blessing in her Fire Temple in the Cathedral. One other day both John and Karen will lead us on a tour (with ceremony) of the ancient and central site, the Hill of Tara. We will also have other local experts engaged along the way.