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The Medicine Spiral 2024-2025

November 3, 2024 @ 11:00 am - August 10, 2025 @ 7:00 pm MST

$9 – $109


Beginning Samhain November 2024

The Irish Tradition Of Shamanism

There are profound healing and mystical rewards waiting for us all, held in the ever loving arms of our Ancestors who bring us into the luminous lineage, heritage and tradition of this sacred isle. To take the Medicine Spiral Journey is to walk onto an ancient track of reflection, discovery and empowerment. In apprenticeship, Shamans throughout the ages boldly stood in front of a great mirror that reflected the truth about themselves and the world. The mirror pointed to wounds unhealed and asked the Shaman to heal himself/herself/themselves. The ‘medicine’ in the spiral refers to all the training gifts that facilitate and empower our emergence into a grounded, self-actualised, connected being of power who has taken the journey of the healer. If your Celtic Soul has a connection to Ireland, Nature, empowering mysticism and has heard the call to step further and deeper into the healing shamanic lineage of Ireland, then this training is for you. A pre-requisite is the Online Introduction to Irish Celtic Shamanism.

To view a brief video of John and Karen speaking of The Medicine Spiral, please click on this link here.


Power Loss, Recovery and Ownership are vital aspects of core healing in human beings and empowerment positively addresses them all. When personal power is low, given away or stolen we can suffer deep sadness, lethargy, fatigue, low self-worth, loss of motivation, depression, victimhood, reduced presence in the world, speak with a weakened voice, lack sovereignty and more. People with a strong healing energy at some point in their life can suffer ‘the healer’s disease’, essentially symptoms of Power Loss. The profound self-healing journey of the Medicine Spiral helps us identify Power Loss and more importantly retrieve and integrate the sources of original Power, restoring substantial health. This vital empowerment takes the shamanic practitioner beyond recovery and into full confident realisation of potential and presence, building along the way ethical and non-egoic principles of personal Power. This is often referred to as the Power to hold Power and is a key resource on the road to sovereignty.

Grow Your Mála Naofa (Traditional Shaman’s Healing Medicine Bundle in The Irish Lineage)

“A Map of your innerworld & your outerworld”

Slí An Chroí honours the Irish-Celtic tradition of the ‘Crane bag’, the medicine bundle carried by the Shaman. Referred to as the Mála Naofa’(pronounced “Mawl-ah Nay-fa”), practitioners on the Medicine Spiral throughout the four directions of training assemble this truly epic, personal altar of orientation and power.

Based on Lia Naofa (pronounced “Lee-ah Nay-fa”) sacred stones and other significant items, the Mála Naofa develops as a way to dialogue with and map, the journey of your own Heart/Soul/Spirit. It also becomes a map of the outerworld we live in. The Mála Naofa is an extraordinary instrument for problem-solving and identifying and enacting positive change in ourselves personally and the world we live in.

Receive Deasghnátha – Rites Of Initiation Into The Irish Shamanic Lineage

“Awaken seeds of belonging & consciousness”

The bedrock of this Shamanic practitioner training are the Deasghnátha, the ancient ‘Rites Of Initiation’. These are energetic transmissions that awaken seeds of consciousness within us and have been passed from healer to healer for thousands of years. Receiving these Rites brings forth from within, emerging enlightenment that illuminates how and why we are created and vitally, how we are to take our place as co-creators of our physical and metaphysical Universe.

The holding and passing on of these Rites is deeply sacred and to receive them is to be embraced by the celebration of humanity, Spirit and the vision of potential, intrinsic to the Irish Celtic lineage, passed on during the Medicine Spiral.

The Medicine Spiral Path

The four seasons hold the deosal (“clockwise”) four directions of mystical apprenticeship and deep personal healing. The tradition is to begin at Ireland’s indigenous festival of New Year, the true beginning of Winter, Samhain in early November. At Samhain onto Grianstad An Gheimhridh (“Winter Solstice”) and beyond, we take the North Direction. At Imbolg, the beginning of Spring in early February, the East Direction begins and continues onto Cónocht An Earraigh (“Spring Equinox”) and beyond. The South Direction begins at Bealtaine, Summer’s beginning in early May and continues onto and beyond Grianstad An tSamhraidh (“Summer Solstice”). In early August, the harvest festival of Lughnasadh heralds the final West Direction which moves onto and through Cónocht An Fhómhair (“Autumn Equinox”). The great four seasons, four directions journey ends on the eve of the ensuing new Samhain.

THE NORTH – “The Path Of Finding Wisdom

Orientating ourselves by the North Star, we begin our clockwise or deosal journey on the Medicine Spiral by looking North. Synonymous with the season of Winter and the oldest archetypical energy of An Breadán– The Salmon, our work in this direction plants the seeds of our becoming. We connect to our Ancestors, accepting their support as we begin to walk our path in the knowledge we ourselves will be the Ancestors in time to come.

THE EAST –  “The Path Of Opening The Ways”

Looking to the horizon of the Rising Sun, we continue our sunwise (deosal) journey on the Medicine Spiral by looking East. Synonymous with the energy of the season of Spring and the archetypical energies of the Eagle, the Otter especially Goddess Bríd (Brigid), our work in this direction allows the germinating ‘seeds of our becoming’ planted in the North, to open the ways to more powerful living. Once again, we connect strongly to our Ancestors, accepting their support as we explore the way to live beyond Fear.

THE SOUTH: – “The Path Of Coming Into Being”

The South direction is a deep crucible of new learning, transformation and alchemy. We are asked to grow our conceptualisation of Healing itself. To live life directly from our true, eternal Spirit nature. We are asked to take robust responsibility and accountability for all our learning on our Spirit path.

THE WEST – “The Path Of Passing Within”

As we face the West, the sun sets on our first circumference of the Medicine Spiral. To our ancient fore-fathers and mothers, dusk marked the beginning of a new day, thus we complete our journey at the beginning of a new, deeper one, i.e. we pass within.
What You Will Receive In The Medicine Spiral:

Recorded Class Videos

Abundant Course Materials, Resources & Documents

Live Online Classes (using Zoom Meetings)

Edited Recordings Of All Tutorials (facilitating self-paced preference)

Soulwork – Suggested Personal Ceremonies, Rituals & Practices

Tuatha Community – Tuatha means “Tribe”, The International Practitioner Group Sharing & Supporting Each Other In The Medicine Spiral

North Direction (Samhain-Winter) 2024

Saturday, November 2nd and Sunday November 3rd

[4 Tutorials, 11.00am – 2.00pm and 4.00pm – 7.00pm, each day]
There are (micro) Tutorials #5 and #6 later in the season

East (Imbolg-Spring) 2025

Saturday, February 8th & Sunday February 9th

[4 Tutorials, 11.00am – 2.00pm and 4.00pm – 7.00pm, each day]
There are (micro) Tutorials #5 and #6 later in the season

South (Bealtaine-Summer) 2025

Saturday, May 10th & Sunday May 11th

[4 Tutorials, 11.00am – 2.00pm and 4.00pm – 7.00pm, each day]
There are (micro) Tutorials #5 and #6 later in the season

West (Lughnasadh-Autumn) 2025

Saturday, August 9th & Sunday August 10th

[4 Tutorials, 11.00am – 2.00pm and 4.00pm – 7.00pm, each day]
There are (micro) Tutorials #5 and #6 later in the season

All times are Irish UTC time zone. You can check you time zone here