Marco Milan

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Marco Milan

Business Name

Soul Bridges

About me

Durante mis años de formación en Core Shamanism he entendido que los momentos de crisis y de grandes cambios son los más delicados. Se puede aprender del pasado, sanar y hacer un salto hacia el futuro con ganas de empezar un nuevo camino, o se puede permanecer estancados y sin ir adelante.
Mi llamado es para estar presente y contribuir a sanar y superar los traumas que conllevan los grandes cambios. Mi ayuda es para las personas, los territorios y las comunidades. Como practicante chamánicos puedo ser un intermediario, entender las necesidades con la ayuda de los espíritus y trabajar para restablecimiento el equilibrio.

Muy activo en Instagram: @marco.wiz.85


What I learned from my years studying Core Shamanism is that the moments of crisis and big changes are very delicate. You can either learn from the past, heal and jump into the future willing to start a new path, or you can remain stuck without advancing.
My call is for being present and assist to heal and release traumas connected to big changes. My help is for people, lands, and communities. Being a shamanic practitioner I can be an intermediate, understand the needs with the help of the spirits and work to reestablish balance.

Very active on Instagram:  @marco.wiz.85





Experience Level

Shamanic Practitioner

Lineage of Study

Core Shamanism

My Service Offerings

Shamanic Healing, Divination


While it is not possible for us to vet or screen each and every person who is a member of the Society for Shamanic Practice, we have established a code of ethics that all of our members agree to as a guide for maintaining the utmost integrity in the interactions and services they provide. Please review this policy and rely upon your personal discernment, as only you know what is resonant for you. And please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.