About this Audio Powerful change happens in the world when we attend to what needs addressing within ourselves. This Tending To Your Own Backyard ceremony will use the Shamanism Without Borders process to illuminate what needs attention within ourselves and the...
Author Profile

Mara Bishop, MA
Mara Bishop, MA
Mara Bishop has over 20 years of experience as a shamanic practitioner, intuitive consultant, and teacher. She works with individuals internationally, and trains new practitioners in her Personal Evolution Counseling™ method, combining shamanic healing with complementary modalities. Mara is the author of Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys (coming 2021), and Inner Divinity: Crafting Your Life with Sacred Intelligence, and the companion series of guided meditations. Mara is a founding member of the Society for Shamanic Practice and Community Leader for Shamanism Without Borders, a global response network of the Society for Shamanic Practice.
For more information please visit: http://www.WholeSpirit.com
Coming Home to Power: Backyard Shamanism
We recently had the opportunity to connect with a group of shamans from Mongolia who offered to hold ceremonies to help heal the effects of the COVID 19 virus here in the US. They partnered with the spirits of their home place and their ancestors. They asked...
Bringing Healing to the Arctic Waters
Shamanism Without Borders Community Call with Mara Bishop https://cdn1.shamanicpractice.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/30110139/Bringing-Healing-to-the-Arctic-Waters.mp3