As contemporary Shamanic practitioners, we may find ourselves exploring and investigating a variety of contemporary and traditional spiritual and healing practices. After a period of time and practice, we might choose to focus our energy on just one or two that feel...
Author Profile

Deana Paqua
Deana Paqua
Deana Paqua is a teacher and practitioner of Cross-Cultural Energy Medicine, Contemporary and Core Shamanism, and a Licensed Massage Therapist with a Master's Degree in Integrative Health and Healing, in practice for over 22 years. She has studied with Indigenous healers from various traditions for the last 15 years, including several elders from the Andean Q'ero tribe of Peru, the Ecuadorian Andes, North America, and Tibet. Deana is also an Adjunct Professor at Western Connecticut State University (WCSU), in Danbury, CT where she teaches classes in cross-cultural healing and holistic health. She also serves on the Advisory Board of the Institute of Holistic Health Studies at WCSU, in Danbury, CT. She offers training programs, classes, healing sessions, space clearings and more for self-healing, self-empowerment and to transform trauma into triumph.
Please visit her website for more information: