Intro to Shamanic Journeying & the Spirit World

Online via ZOOM +1 more

This 7-session course will introduce you to Shamanism, it's history, and the power of shamanic journeying as a tool to enhance your life, deepen your creativity, and resolve daily challenges.  Learn about spirit guides, visit the three realms of non-ordinary reality, retrieve a personal power animal, meet a teacher in the Spirit World, receive blessings, […]

Event Series Shamanic Animal Communication

Shamanic Animal Communication

Zoom + Online Classroom

Learn how to apply the best of both telepathic and shamanic animal communication in an integrated way. Judy, a certified animal chaplain, has been teaching animal communication for 16 years and is a shamanic practitioner specializing in helping animals and their people. Join us for this intense and deeply spiritual exploration of animal communication. Knowledge […]

$130 – $260
Event Series Deepening Your Shamanic Practice

Deepening Your Shamanic Practice

Online via ZOOM

Use Spirit’s exercises to reconnect with your inner compassion. Deepen your ability to journey by taking your shamanic practice to the next level. Become more skillful in your shamanic journey practice by aligning more deeply with your power animals. Explore and find a special place of rejuvenation just for you in the lower world where […]


Shamanism Without Borders Call to Action: Tending to the Ocean

Online , United States

NEXT SHAMANISM WITHOUT BORDERS CALL-TO-ACTION TENDING TO THE OCEAN   LED BY MARY OLIVAR THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH COST: FREE The Ocean, the original home for life on Earth, has a deeply important role in maintaining balance on our planet. It covers over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface,  holds over 95 percent of the Earth’s […]


Dreaming Wild – Every Day is Earth Day


How can we help Mama Earth today and every day? Let's gather together and take a shamanic journey into the heart of Mama Earth. We will journey with the drum, connect and listen to the land with open hearts. What does our Mother wish to share with us this month? How can we honor and […]

Event Series Plant Spirit Psychopomp

Plant Spirit Psychopomp


What is a psychopomp?   A conductor of souls or spirits, a being who knows how to guide souls making a transition. The work of a psychopomp is important, not just for the compassionate care of those who’s bodies have died (souls or spirits), but also for the health of those who have living bodies. […]

11 Day Encampment & Vision Quest Ceremony

Asheville, North Carolina , United States

Deep within your soul lies a fire that directs your passion and purpose. Often this flame lies quiet like the ancient whispers of smoldering embers; sometimes directed by those internal voices, not belonging to you, that came from another time and place. You reach out to your brothers and sisters and echo these words: WHO […]

$2600 – $2800

SSP’s Celtic Cross-Quarter Holiday Ceremony: Beltane

Online via ZOOM

THE CELTIC FESTIVAL OF BEALTAINE (BELTANE) Join SSP Board Member Dr. Karen Ward and John Cantwell of Ireland for our next Cross-Quarter Celtic Holiday Ceremony, Bealtaine (Beltane) on May 1st, 2024 at 3:00 PM Mountain Time. Our Ancestors would have looked to the skies in their observation for a season’s dawning. They also would have […]


Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]


Introduction to Ancestral Healing

Crow Moon Healing 6472 Breunig Road, Mazomanie, WI, United States

We inherit an energetic legacy from those who came before us – both their gifts and also their unhealed wounds. The energy of our ancestors affects us much more than what we may initially realize. We might feel disconnected, like we don’t have roots. Or for example, we might have felt a sense of grief […]

$500 – $550

May Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can’t select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner to […]

Shamanic Gardening

Zoom + Online Classroom

From vision to harvest, take the steps to manifest your life dreams and goals through shamanic gardening. Learn how to work with your blocks and challenges so that everything contributes to your growth and synchronizes with your own pace and flow.

$45 – $90


Online , United States

During the workshop you’ll receive an ancient Egyptian initiation that enables you to install light columns of love and healing anywhere on the Earth in a few minutes. You'll receive the Christ light initiation and an initiation for stability light columns. You’ll learn how to install light columns in tress as well as group soul […]

Event Series Shamanic Healing for Animals I

Shamanic Healing for Animals I


Working with animals of all species, explore unique perspectives for animal healing that draw upon core shamanic practices. Students will develop a toolkit of techniques within a supportive, interactive, and experiential learning framework of instruction from a professional animal communicator who also practices shamanism. Prerequisite: journeying basics. Knowledge of animal communication not necessary. Cost/Times: $400, […]



Online via ZOOM

Next Shamanism Without Border's Monthly Call-to-Action TENDING TO THE EXPLOITATION OF EARTH’S RESOURCES Led by Yana Aryze Thursday, May 23rd at 1:00 PM Mountain Time COST: FREE   Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event. The Earth is our only home. Estimates state that as much as 77% of the land and […]


11 Day Encampment & Vision Quest Ceremony

Asheville, North Carolina , United States

Deep within your soul lies a fire that directs your passion and purpose. Often this flame lies quiet like the ancient whispers of smoldering embers; sometimes directed by those internal voices, not belonging to you, that came from another time and place. You reach out to your brothers and sisters and echo these words: WHO […]

$2600 – $2800

Utiseta The Northern European Art of Plant Communication and Mediumship

Online via ZOOM

Utiseta, is the practice of “sitting-out” and being between realms. Utiseta is traditionally done outside in nature, although the modern practice can be adapted for indoors. There is a spectrum of relationship with plants that spans our well-known consumption of plants as food and medicine on one end, to a lesser-known energetic relationship with plant […]


Unlocking Your True Voice


It’s officially Gemini Season! 👯 With the Sun now in Gemini, a Sedna Cazimi in Gemini on May 20th and Jupiter entering Gemini on May 25th, the times are ripe for working with Gemini, the Zodiac’s Master of Communication, as a spirit guide and ally to open and expand your throat chakra and welcome the […]


Discovery Session for Walk in Beauty Sacred Valley Retreat

Online , United States

JOIN US June 10th for a free Discovery Session call to learn more — Walk in Beauty is a 6-day/5-night immersive experience for women in soulful ritual, self-discovery, sisterhood & celebration amidst the sacred elements of the Andes. Early bird pricing ends July 1st. We will explore the power of authentic expression, being in […]


Summer Solstice Cacao Ceremony


Join Moving with the Moon for a Summer Solstice Cacao Ceremony and Full Moon in Capricorn celebration. As we complete Spring and welcome Summer, we'll also be opening to Cancer Season in the Zodiac and honoring the first of two back-to-back Full moons in Capricorn this year (Jun 21 and July 21). Solstice is a […]


SSP’s Summer Solstice Medicine Wheel Ceremony

Online via ZOOM

SUMMER SOLSTICE CEREMONY Join SSP Board President Jaime Meyer for a summer solstice ceremony, June 20th at 6 PM Mountain Time. This a one of four quarterly Medicine Wheel Ceremonies available only to members. Jaime will guide those gathered through the making of an offrenda, a beautiful ceremony using a series of flowers, prayers, rattle and […]


Lavender Initiation

Provence, France Plateau de Valensole, Roumoules, Alpes de Haute Provence, France

If you ever dreamed of walking on the ocre land of Provence, where the essence of Lavender weaves into every facet of this enchanting region,  Pam Montgomery and I are inviting you to join us in Provence this July for : AN INITIATION TO LAVENDER A 5 Days shamanic all inclusive retreat located on the […]

Ancestors: The Power Within

Zoom + Online Classroom

Ancestors can be powerful allies in our practice, and healing our ancestral lines can help us heal ourselves and our families. This class is an introduction to explore your heritage, deepen your connection with the grandmothers and grandfathers in ceremony, in initiation and in the shamanic journey. Prerequisite: basic journeying skills.

$90 – $180

The Shamanic Path 2.5-year training program

Crow Moon Healing 6472 Breunig Road, Mazomanie, WI, United States

The Shamanic Path is a 2.5-year shamanic apprenticeship combining personal healing work and basic training in core shamanic healing techniques. It is designed for those who are drawn to shamanism for greater connection with Spirit and for those who want to go deeper into their personal healing journey using shamanic techniques. There is a practicum […]


Seidr Stepping the Issue

Online via ZOOM

Seidr Practice are regular events exploring different aspects of working with Seidr. These experiential online practice events are offered via Zoom on UK time. Practice events are for those who already work with seidr and have an ongoing shamanic practice. These meetings enable us to go deeper into using seidr for problem solving and healing […]


Energy Essentials for Practitioners – Summer

Online via ZOOM

Shamanic practitioners who are empathic and highly sensitive to energy face additional challenges when working with dark or heavy energy. Out of necessity, we must train ourselves to create strong, clear energetic boundaries in order to avoid taking on energy that could be detrimental to our well-being. This class is a pre-requisite for the Compassionate […]


Healing the Red Thread – Year 1

Bethel Horizons 4651 Co Rd ZZ, Dodgeville, WI, United States

We are the bones of our ancestors, and their blood runs in our veins. We inherit an energetic legacy from those who came before us – both their gifts and strength and also their unhealed wounds and unfinished business. By working in a shamanic space with the support of the helping spirits, we identify dysfunctional […]

$625 – $695

Shamanism Journeys in Nepal with Bhola Banstola- 2024

Nepal , Nepal

2024 PILGRIMAGES WITH THE NEPALI SHAMANS led by Bhola Banstola, Nepali Jhankri Shaman Visit the sacred power places of Kathmandu Valley Take part in Retreats with the lineage Shamans from different cultures Participate in healing and other rituals  Witness ‘Jhaak’  - altered consciousness, magical feats, and out-of-body experiences Immerse yourself in the Shamans’  music, drum […]

Seidr Practice – Community Power Seidr

Online via ZOOM

Seidr Practice are regular events exploring different aspects of working with Seidr. These experiential online practice events are offered via Zoom on UK time. Practice events are for those who already work with seidr and have an ongoing shamanic practice. There are two kinds of community seidr ceremonies. One is for information and the other […]


Seidr Craft – in person

West Sussex, England , United Kingdom

Seidr is a Nordic oracular shamanic tradition that uses the staff, the song and a ritual seat as key elements enabling the seidr worker to connect with the spirit world. The earliest accounts of working with song and the staff are from the Icelandic Sagas. They tell of Volvas – men and women who worked […]


Nepal, the Heart of World Shamanism and Centre of Learning – Shamanic Pilgrimage with Bhola Banstola

Nepal , Nepal

2024 PILGRIMAGES WITH THE NEPALI SHAMANS led by Bhola Banstola, Nepali Jhankri Shaman Visit the sacred power places of Kathmandu Valley Take part in Retreats with the lineage Shamans from different cultures Participate in healing and other rituals  Witness ‘Jhaak’  - altered consciousness, magical feats, and out-of-body experiences Immerse yourself in the Shamans’  music, drum […]

Awakening Your Inner Compass

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

9 Day Immersion in the Foundations of Shamanic Practice I’m excited to share that I’ll be offering a new 9-day retreat-style immersion at the Kawoq Forest this September in Guatemala. It is such a gift that this space has lined up— an eco-luxury resort nestled in the forest above San Marcos la Lagua, overlooking Lake […]

Energy Essentials for Practitioners – Fall

Online via ZOOM

Shamanic practitioners who are empathic and highly sensitive to energy face additional challenges when working with dark or heavy energy. Out of necessity, we must train ourselves to create strong, clear energetic boundaries in order to avoid taking on energy that could be detrimental to our well-being. This class is a pre-requisite for the Compassionate […]


Nepal – An Experiential Journey – Pilgrimage with Bhola Banstola

Nepal , Nepal

2024 PILGRIMAGES WITH THE NEPALI SHAMANS led by Bhola Banstola, Nepali Jhankri Shaman Visit the sacred power places of Kathmandu Valley Take part in Retreats with the lineage Shamans from different cultures Participate in healing and other rituals  Witness ‘Jhaak’  - altered consciousness, magical feats, and out-of-body experiences Immerse yourself in the Shamans’  music, drum […]

Walk in Beauty – Sacred Sisterhood in the Sacred Valley

Sacred Valley, Peru

Hi JOIN US June 10th for a Discovery Session call to learn more — Walk in Beauty is a 6-day/5-night immersive experience for women in soulful ritual, self-discovery, sisterhood & celebration amidst the sacred elements of the Andes. Early bird pricing ends July 1st. We will explore the power of authentic expression, being in […]


Ancestral Healing Practitioner Program

Bethel Horizons 4651 Co Rd ZZ, Dodgeville, WI, United States

In doing healing work, shamanic practitioners are trained to work in partnership with our helping spirits who aid in identifying recurring patterns and healing energy blockages. Ancestral healing work is no different – but due to the nature of the work, ancestral healing can present additional challenges.    The ancestors notice when we turn our […]

Please check website for details

The Shamanic Journey – a path to healing, insight and empowerment

Online via ZOOM

Participants will be introduced to some of the main ideas and methods used by shamans for thousands of years including song, dance, rattling, basic shamanic healing and the techniques of the shamanic journey. At the centre of this practice is working with our own allies, spirit helpers who help us to find personal empowerment and balance. […]


Seidr Craft

Online via ZOOM

Seidr is a Nordic oracular shamanic tradition that uses the staff, the song and a ritual seat as key elements enabling the seidr worker to connect with the spirit world. The earliest accounts of working with song and the staff are from the Icelandic Sagas. They tell of Volvas – men and women who worked […]
