The Death of a Single Mother and How You Can Avoid It – Inca Shaman Teachings


Congratulations, you're a mother! You are making things happen, but as a single mother, your best intentions may not be enough. I am a single mother and I want to share my experiences, assist you in preventing mistakes, and give you some possible solutions to situations you are going through. The role of a single […]


Ancestral Healing Circle


The purpose of this group is to come together to honor the lives of the people who have lived and died before us. Our Ancestors helped shape this world by the way they lived, and in a Shamanic way, we can journey to them to ask them their advice on real challenges presented to us […]

Shamanic Mentoring with Rachel Mann, PhD this Summer!


Do you want to fulfill your life’s purpose? Do you want to learn more about shamanism to deepen your spiritual journey? Are you already a shamanic practitioner and want personalized support and guidance to deepen and/or expand your practice? Are you in the midst of a healing crisis or major life transition and would like […]
