Monthly Shamanic Circle in Chicago

Monthly Shamanic Circle in Chicago

We meet monthly to do two journeys. The first journey is aligned to the calendar and explores an aspect of the time of year relative to us personally. For example: In the spring we might journey with our helping spirits and plant new seeds or tend seeds that have lay...

Exploring Shamanic Power

Experience compassionate healing in your own personal Sacred Circle under the protection and guidance of your Spirit Allies, your Power Animals and Teachers. Shamanic healing for body and soul performed by your Spirit Allies. First for yourself, and next for a guest...

Dragon Magic

Connect with your Personal Dragon for personal development and protection. Dragons are the bridge between the earth’s heart center, and the sky’s infusion of light and power. They reflect you, your heart, your dreams, your breath. They empower you to become the dragon...

Exploring Shamanic Power

Experience compassionate healing in your own personal Sacred Circle under the protection and guidance of your Spirit Allies, your Power Animals and Teachers. Shamanic healing for body and soul performed by your Spirit Allies. First for yourself, and next for a guest...

Renewal with the Cailleach

When you Bury your Bones you release your past commitments, that no longer apply, and you bring the seed of fresh renewal into your heart for the present and the future. Journey to the Cailleach, the ancient mother of winter, to receive an initiation and teaching...