Seidr Craft

Seidr Craft

Seidr is a Nordic oracular shamanic tradition that uses the staff, the song and a ritual seat as key elements enabling the seidr worker to connect with the spirit world. The earliest accounts of working with song and the staff are from the Icelandic Sagas. They tell...
Shamanic Gardening

Shamanic Gardening

From vision to harvest, take the steps to manifest your life dreams and goals through shamanic gardening. Learn how to work with your blocks and challenges so that everything contributes to your growth and synchronizes with your own pace and flow.
April Psychopomp Journey Circle

April Psychopomp Journey Circle

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can’t select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic...
Intro to Shamanic Journeying & the Spirit World

Intro to Shamanic Journeying & the Spirit World

This 7-session course will introduce you to Shamanism, it’s history, and the power of shamanic journeying as a tool to enhance your life, deepen your creativity, and resolve daily challenges.  Learn about spirit guides, visit the three realms of non-ordinary...
Psychopomp Journey Circle

Psychopomp Journey Circle

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can’t select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic...