by Carla Meeske | Sep 8, 2018
Experience compassionate healing in your own personal Sacred Circle under the protection and guidance of your Spirit Allies, your Power Animals and Teachers. Shamanic healing for body and soul performed by your Spirit Allies. First for yourself, and next for a guest...
by Carla Meeske | Sep 8, 2018
Connect with your Personal Dragon for personal development and protection. Dragons are the bridge between the earth’s heart center, and the sky’s infusion of light and power. They reflect you, your heart, your dreams, your breath. They empower you to become the dragon...
by Carla Meeske | Sep 8, 2018
A flowing weekend of living ceremonies will reconnect you to you shining truth. This brilliant light shines from your heart, illuminating every aspect of your life – your thoughts, dreams and actions. Step into your power, as ancient as your soul. Remember who...
by Rachel Mann PhD | Jun 6, 2018
Do you want to fulfill your life’s purpose? Do you want to learn more about shamanism to deepen your spiritual journey? Are you already a shamanic practitioner and want personalized support and guidance to deepen and/or expand your practice? Are you in the midst of a...
by Genie Hobbs | Oct 15, 2015
Clients work with me for a variety of reasons . . . crisis intervention, personal growth and very often for problem solving. Time and time again, I’ve seen the effectiveness of using shamanic wisdom as a template for problem solving, especially through the use of the...