by Shenoah Taylor | Jul 31, 2023
Seidr is a Nordic oracular shamanic tradition that uses the staff, the song and a ritual seat as key elements enabling the seidr worker to connect with the spirit world. The earliest accounts of working with song and the staff are from the Icelandic Sagas. They tell...
by Shenoah Taylor | Jul 31, 2023
Participants will be introduced to some of the main ideas and methods used by shamans for thousands of years including song, dance, rattling, basic shamanic healing and the techniques of the shamanic journey. At the centre of this practice is working with our own...
by Iris Meyer | Feb 27, 2023
March’s Full Worm Moon carries the energy of the quickening spring, of life returning after the long sleep of winter. Join me for a FREE revitalizing shamanic journey meditation at 8pm CET/2pm EST/11am PST to connect with this energy. We may also work with this...