The Healing Trauma Webinar

The Healing Trauma Webinar

This webinar with José Luis Stevens MSW PhD will comprehensively cover the topic of trauma. We will talk about the psychological implications of trauma, the spiritual/shamanic perspectives about trauma and the different treatment approaches including the latest...
Seidr Craft – in person

Seidr Craft – in person

Seidr is a Nordic oracular shamanic tradition that uses the staff, the song and a ritual seat as key elements enabling the seidr worker to connect with the spirit world. The earliest accounts of working with song and the staff are from the Icelandic Sagas. They tell...
Seidr Craft

Seidr Craft

Seidr is a Nordic oracular shamanic tradition that uses the staff, the song and a ritual seat as key elements enabling the seidr worker to connect with the spirit world. The earliest accounts of working with song and the staff are from the Icelandic Sagas. They tell...
Ancestors: The Power Within

Ancestors: The Power Within

Ancestors can be powerful allies in our practice, and healing our ancestral lines can help us heal ourselves and our families. This class is an introduction to explore your heritage, deepen your connection with the grandmothers and grandfathers in ceremony, in...