Elemental Dreaming of Spring

Elemental Dreaming of Spring

Mama Earth is stirring. Spring is just around the corner! Let’s  journey to the awakening forest and ask to connect with the elementals and the energies of spring. What does it feel like to flow with the energy of spring? What wild and sacred wisdom do the...
Elemental Dreaming – Fire and Ice

Elemental Dreaming – Fire and Ice

Winter is the season of ice. Here in the northern hemisphere, the days are short, and sunlight is in short supply for months. But the wheel of the year keeps turning. By mid-February, the sunlight increases and Mama Earth begins to stir from her slumber. Let’s take...
Where Shamans Go – Smudging, Clearing and Purifying

Where Shamans Go – Smudging, Clearing and Purifying

Where Shamans Go – is a  series of free talks about aspects of shamanic practice. There are many ways to clear energy and space for ourselves and others or to create a sacred space. In this meeting we will look at the use of different types of clearing...
Elemental Dreaming with the Love Goddess

Elemental Dreaming with the Love Goddess

Venus, Aphrodite, Hathor – by any name this goddess is a badass! She has been worshipped for millennia in many different cultures. Nancy Lankston will guide us as we  explore  the archetypal energies of Love with the Goddess of Love. We will journey in the...