Ceremony to Honor and Connect With Mother Nature

Ceremony to Honor and Connect With Mother Nature

As we move into the season of gratitude and generosity, let’s honor and give thanks to Nature for being a sacred mirror, a source of inspiration, wisdom, and abundance for us. While I’ll give guidance and structure, you’ll also have the freedom to ask Nature for...
Guided Shamanic Journey and Potluck Social

Guided Shamanic Journey and Potluck Social

A Guided Healing Shamanic Journey Is.. A guided shamanic journey is both similar to, yet very different from a guided meditation. ​ Shamanic journeying is an active practice, and I guide journeys in a way that opens a safe, pristine, calm, healing space for you to...
Working With Sacred Tobacco

Working With Sacred Tobacco

There is a shamanic motto: the more powerful the ally, the more dangerous it is. This certainly applies to tobacco, and we can see the negative effects of much of the western world working with tobacco without being in a good relationship with the spirit of the plant....
Remote Shamanic Healing

Remote Shamanic Healing

The Power Path offers regular New Moon/ Full Moon group remote shamanic healings. The group remote healings are a wonderful way to get regular energetic cleanups, balancing and support. They include the help of plant and animal allies, healing songs, and prayers. Join...