Article Submissions

SSP seeks articles that present valuable perspective or information about shamanic practice(s). Think of your article as teaching the reader a new idea or a practice that they can use for their own shamanic practice. We welcome articles and stories from people who use shamanism professionally, often in a healing capacity, and those who use it as a spiritual practice for daily life.

Please read the guidelines below before submitting your work to SSP’s The Journal of Shamanic Practice. If you feel your work is appropriate to the Journal, submit it to The Editorial Board by email at

Submission Guidelines

SSP publishes a new article once per month on our  website. Articles are available first to our members, and 30 days after publication they become available to the general public on the website and on the SSP Facebook page.

Length of Articles

Articles should be between 700 and 1500 words. Occasionally longer articles are accepted. When appropriate, manuscript submissions should include original art or photographs, or those that are in the public domain, or those for which the author has received permission to publish.

Shaping Your Article

Please read several articles on our website to get a taste of what we are looking for.

Our readers run a wide gamut from being well-seasoned shamanic practitioners to being brand new to shamanism. It is best to decide upfront what audience you are writing for.

We do occasionally reprint articles from people’s own websites or blogs. We generally shy away from publishing excerpts from your just-published book, unless it presents unique information or practices.

We almost never publish articles describing your personal healing or your shamanic journeys unless the information can be adapted and used by our readers for their own shamanic practices.

We highly encourage you to include specific ways to incorporate what you have to say about shamanism into the lives of our readers, as daily practice, as ways to work with clients or work with their communities, or ways to enhance their teaching of shamanism.

We are not interested in articles that are clearly self-promoting – of your business, your workshops, or your powers as a healer. Think of your article as teaching the reader a skill or idea.

Citing Sources

If you quote an author, an article or any other source, please include the source in your article.  You may reference it in the article  text itself, or in a list at the end.

Editorial Review

Submissions are read and reviewed by a team of editors who are shamanic practitioners. Decisions to accept or reject a manuscript are made by the team. The team may ask you to revise your article before we publish it.


If any material in the manuscript is from a copyrighted publication, a letter of permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material should be included. If a photo, illustration, or figure does not belong to the author or is not in the public domain, it must be accompanied by a permission letter to reproduce it from the copyright holder.

Multiple Submission

If you are submitting the same article to other venues, notify us at the time of submission. If the article is accepted for publication elsewhere, we expect you to let us know. We will not publish the same, or substantially the same, piece at the same time.

Please send your written work to and include a brief bio and photo and/or images to be published online along with your article.

We look forward to reading your work.