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Walk in Beauty – Sacred Sisterhood in the Sacred Valley

Sacred Valley, Peru

Hi JOIN US June 10th for a Discovery Session call to learn more — Walk in Beauty is a 6-day/5-night immersive experience for women in soulful ritual, self-discovery, sisterhood & celebration amidst the sacred elements of the Andes. Early bird pricing ends July 1st. We will explore the power of authentic expression, being in […]


Gifts of the Sacred Directions

Gifts of the Sacred Directions (Tools for creating sacred space and a personal Medicine Wheel) Facilitated by Ana Larramendi Sunday October 13, 2024 9:30am-5:30pm. Near New Glarus, WI Cross culturally, there are a number Indigenous Archetypes related to the Cardinal Directions. For example, The Medicine Wheel, sometimes known as the Sacred Hoop, has been used […]


Nature Solo Retreat

The Power Path, Santa Fe, NM Santa Fe

Nature Solo Retreat October 10-13, 2024 Northern New Mexico This 4 day event is a perfect way to reconnect to nature and take some personal time for self exploration and inner reflection in a safe supportive environment. A 3 night solo can be hugely transformative and give you a deep reset for body, mind and […]
