This 7-session course will introduce you to Shamanism, it's history, and the power of shamanic journeying as a tool to enhance your life, deepen your creativity, and resolve daily challenges. Learn about spirit guides, visit the three realms of non-ordinary reality, retrieve a personal power animal, meet a teacher in the Spirit World, receive blessings, […]
Learn how to apply the best of both telepathic and shamanic animal communication in an integrated way. Judy, a certified animal chaplain, has been teaching animal communication for 16 years and is a shamanic practitioner specializing in helping animals and their people. Join us for this intense and deeply spiritual exploration of animal communication. Knowledge […]
Shamanic practitioners who are empathic and highly sensitive to energy face additional challenges when working with dark or heavy energy. Out of necessity, we must train ourselves to create strong, […]
A monthly Shamanism Without Borders clearing and tending drum journey circle addressing what is surfacing within mother earth and the layers in which are requiring attention. This is an in-person […]
Use Spirit’s exercises to reconnect with your inner compassion. Deepen your ability to journey by taking your shamanic practice to the next level. Become more skillful in your shamanic journey practice by aligning more deeply with your power animals. Explore and find a special place of rejuvenation just for you in the lower world where […]
Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]
NEXT SHAMANISM WITHOUT BORDERS CALL-TO-ACTION TENDING TO THE OCEAN LED BY MARY OLIVAR THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH COST: FREE The Ocean, the original home for life on Earth, has a deeply important role in maintaining balance on our planet. It covers over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, holds over 95 percent of the Earth’s […]
How can we help Mama Earth today and every day? Let's gather together and take a shamanic journey into the heart of Mama Earth. We will journey with the drum, connect and listen to the land with open hearts. What does our Mother wish to share with us this month? How can we honor and […]
What is a psychopomp? A conductor of souls or spirits, a being who knows how to guide souls making a transition. The work of a psychopomp is important, not just for the compassionate care of those who’s bodies have died (souls or spirits), but also for the health of those who have living bodies. […]
Deep within your soul lies a fire that directs your passion and purpose. Often this flame lies quiet like the ancient whispers of smoldering embers; sometimes directed by those internal voices, not belonging to you, that came from another time and place. You reach out to your brothers and sisters and echo these words: WHO […]
THE CELTIC FESTIVAL OF BEALTAINE (BELTANE) Join SSP Board Member Dr. Karen Ward and John Cantwell of Ireland for our next Cross-Quarter Celtic Holiday Ceremony, Bealtaine (Beltane) on May 1st, 2024 at 3:00 PM Mountain Time. Our Ancestors would have looked to the skies in their observation for a season’s dawning. They also would have […]
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