Coca Leaf Reading and Healing Demo from Hatun Q’ero Paqos of Peru

The Society for Shamanic Practice is delighted to bring you this teaching session on Coca Leaf Reading and an example of a traditional Q’ero healing, from the Hatun Q’ero Paqos of Peru.
The 2-hour teaching session for SSP members and community will consist of a description about the training process for a Coca Qawaq (Coca Leaf Diviner) in Q’eros, and how the Mama Coca divination is used to diagnose and guide the healing process. Next, we will also describe the basic framework of an authentic Q’ero healing and how this is accomplished through the four steps of 1) Wahariquy (invocation) 2) Pichay (cleansing) 3) Kalpachaquy (empowerment) and 4) Animo Wahay (restoration of the energy field). All of this information is based on a synthesis of over 4000 hours of recorded teachings from 12 of the most renowned Q’ero Paqos from Hatun Q’eros. We will have two Q’ero Paqos present, a translator, and interpreter to provide the information and be available to answer any SSP community questions directly.
To register for this event, please fill out the form below.
SSP is committed to bringing to you authentic ceremonies and teachings from indigenous shamans. This helps us support traditional elders, bring authentic ways into the broader world, activate healing, and plant seeds for a better future for all living beings on this wondrous earth.
If this work is meaningful to you and you can, please donate. Thank you!
Donation is only requested, but not required.
Please fill out the form below and we will email you the zoom call info.