I created a Transition Blanket in preparation for my father's imminent death. To this day, this sacred object continues to bestow life-altering blessings on my entire family. I'm convinced that this divinely inspired gift is meant to reach far beyond my own family...
Author Profile

Jan Engels-Smith
Jan Engels-Smith
Jan Engels-Smith MEd, PhD is an author, a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Chemical Dependency Specialist, a Hypnotherapist, a Shamanic Practitioner and an Usui, Tibetan and Karuna Reiki Master.
Jan founded LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and LightSong Healing Center in1995. Jan has authored two books, Through the Rabbit Hole: Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey and Energy Medicine January 2015. Jan’s book Becoming Yourself: The Journey from Head to Heart, won the Reader’s Choice Award from iUniverse. She is a diamond level author with Ezine Articles and writes a monthly article for Sedona Journal of Emergence. Jan also authored two CDs: Take Your Body With You a shamanic drumming CD and Awaken~Unburden~Create a meditation CD package of shamanic principles.
Contact Jan: www.lightsong.net