My shamanic training is rooted in Peruvian curanderismo, specifically in the use of the spiritual altar called a mesa. A mesa is the shaman’s gateway into the soul realm. In Spanish, mesa literally means “table,” which is fitting because it is the place where the...
Author Profile

Daniel Moler
Daniel Moler
Daniel Moler is a visionary creator and student of the shamanic arts. He is writer, artist, and creator of the hit comic series Psychonaut Presents and The Simon Myth Chronicles, the author of The Shamanic Soul and Shamanic Qabalah from Llewellyn Worldwide, as well as the psychedelic urban fantasy RED Mass, and the Terence McKenna guidebook Machine Elves 101. Daniel has been trained in a variety of magical and shamanic modalities, including Peruvian curanderismo. Visit Daniel online at Most of this current article is excerpted from The Shamanic Soul released from Llewellyn Worldwide on June 8th. You can get a copy at