We live in a time when authentic shamanic work is deeply needed. But "authenticity" has been so grossly overused, it doesn’t mean much anymore. You do not search for authenticity. Rather, your life is meant to be an expression of your authentic self. The first work...
Author Profile
Christina Pratt
Christina Pratt
Christina Lee Pratt is a shamanic healer, author, and teacher of exceptional clarity, humor, and practicality. Her mission is to draw on the foundational wisdom of the ancient peoples to offer current practices to heal, change, innovate, and become the medicine needed in our time. She believes that together we can create a just world where life flourishes and we hold sacred the responsibility to be ecologically and economically sustainable in our every action.
Her current focus is pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with the unique illnesses of our times and share them via technology in global shamanic activism. She is the founder of Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, in Portland, Oregon, and The Cycle of Transformation, four-year training and cosmology. She is the host of the international, Internet radio show “Why Shamanism Now” and its archive of free podcasts, the author of the two-volume set “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism”, and a favorite presenter in several Shamanic Summits, including those for Shift Network and Sounds True.
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