the celtic festival of BEALTAINE (BELTANE)

Join SSP Board Member Dr. Karen Ward and John Cantwell of Ireland for our next Cross-Quarter Celtic Holiday Ceremony, Bealtaine (Beltane). Originally aired live on May 1st. RECORDING LINK HERE

Our Ancestors would have looked to the skies in their observation for a season’s dawning. They also would have looked to the earth, observing the signs of growth and colour. Halfway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice is the cross quarter time of Bealtaine (pronounced Bee-awl-tan-eh or Beltane as Bell-tayn), the celestial announcement of the Summer season. The communal celebration of Bealtaine is usually May 1st or the first Saturday in May, the very word coming from the Irish Béal-tine meaning ‘Mouth of Fire’. For some was also informed by Bal-Tine, after a Celtic Sun God Bal who dies and resurrects. The sun is the mouth of fire literally – a time of growing illumination of our planet and asks us to embrace the phenomenon, personally and collectively, with celebration, reflection and ultimately synchronous alignment.

Unsurprisingly, Bealtaine is one of the great fire festivals that ask us to be intimate with the energy of the sun, the power of light, heat, but also of transformation and transmutation. We are delighted to offer you a unique opportunity to join us live online from your home for ceremony to lift you into harmony with the rising heat with some of the many wonderful rituals associated with Sovereignty Goddess Ériu and her site of Uisneach at the centre of Ireland – the great Bealtaine sacred site and the arrival of Summertime.



Create sacred ceremonial space in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by other people or loud noises. Make a small altar, light a candle and have your drum, and rattle available, as well as paper and pen. Darken your room if possible and allow yourself to be fully present.



A video playback recording will be available for those who were not able to join live or for those who would like to listen again. RECORDING LINK HERE

Join Our Next Ceremony



Wednesday, May 1st

3 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

These ceremonies are a benefit of your membership with the Society for Shamanic Practice. Call information will be provided via email one day before the ceremony takes place.

We hope you can join us!

Celtic Cross-Quarter Holidays

The Celtic Calendar is divided first into four major sections, the Quarter Days of Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, then into the Cross-Quarter Days below signaling the beginning of a new season and occurring half-way between the equinoxes and solstices. Together, the Quarter Days and Cross-Quarter Days makes an eight-part year that reflects the natural progression of the seasons. Celebrations and festivals are held for each of the cross-quarter days.
SSP has always celebrated the solstices and equinoxes as part of our medicine wheel ceremonies and now you can join SSP for this new member-benefit of Cross-Quarter Celtic Holidays too!


February 1st

Bealtaine (Beltane)

May 1st

Lughnasadh (Lunasa)

August 1st


October 31st 

John Cantwell and Dr.Karen Ward are husband and wife, co-founders and directors of Sli An Chroí Shamanism in Ireland. They met during the auspicious week of the Solar Eclipse in August 1999 and share a life of ever deepening connection to the natural world. The ancestral lineage of Shamanism in Ireland, including that of Druidry, is a precious resource for them.  Bringing warmth, integrity and gratitude into all of their work is a vital aspect of their vocation. After years of holistic therapy and teaching experiences coupled with shamanic initiations, they both began to hear the palpable call to invite others to awaken to their Celtic soul destiny. Taking a step into the unknown, they first opened their Clinic and School of Irish Celtic Shamanism in 2005 which has grown beyond their wildest dreams from international travel to sit, equal but different, with indigenous people from around the world, work with a wide variety of individuals, charities and organisations to maintaining a cherished community in Ireland and online. www.slianchroi.ie

These ceremonies are a benefit to members of the Society for Shamanic Practice. If you know of someone who would like to participate in this ceremony but is not a member, please invite them to join our community.