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Online Eclipse Breathwork & Cacao Sound Bath
June 20, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm MDT
A journey of BREATH, SOUND, FIRE & CACAO during the BRIGHTEST & DARKEST Day of the year rapidly moves you from SURVIVING into THRIVING!
Harness the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE & SUMMER SOLSTICE energies allowing for the unveiling of the subconscious celestial shadow while illuminating our higher conscious. This allows the release of deep patterns & energy you have evolved out of and into the expansion of your Divine Gifts.
During this time when we all need this the most, this one-of-a-kind, ONLINE, natural healing and rapid soul evolution intensive integrates ceremonies, plant medicine, guided breathwork, sound healing modalities & ancient wisdom for you to achieve deep healing and massive transformation. A Fire Ceremony will ground all intentions with powerful transmutational energies for rapid manifestation. Allow the extraordinary power of unconditional love to flow joyfully for yourself, your loved ones and the WORLD!
A Cacao Ceremony creating an intimate, sacred and protective space, while catalyzing the expansion of your heart and psyche to prepare for the deepest of healing & transformation on all levels.
** Optional purchasing of Ceremonial Cacao. Ensure to order at least 7 business days in advance, so it arrives in time. Click the link to purchase ==>> https://www.mausouleum.com/Cacao
- Enter into a Deep State of Relaxation with the Sun & Earth Planetary Gong Journey with the Healing Drumming taking you into the heartbeat of Mother Earth
- Activate the Power within You through energetic Shamanic Drumming catalyzing vital energy restoration & expanded states of consciousness with the increase of natural DMT
- Breakthrough Blockages & Release Deep Emotions with Gemstone & Earth Element Infused Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowl
- Surrender into Peace with the Crystal Lyre to integrate new, high vibrational, crystalline frequencies
- Rejuvenate & Revitalize 7 Specific Chakra Mantras with 7 Nepalese Singing Bowls matching the frequencies for each Chakra to gently restore your nervous system, while balancing your body, mind, soul and emotions
- Integration of the New YOU! Bring back all of your fractured soul pieces that have been lost through time due to trauma, stress & injury reuniting you into energetic wholeness.
- For the greatest impact, we will expand our high collective vibration to ALL of HUMANITY!
- All of your intentions you sent to us in the Registration form will be written on cedar paper and released into the sacred fire
- This will ground all of your intentions with powerful transmutational energies for rapid release and manifestation
Rejoice! Afterwards, we will be answering Questions, Connecting, as well as, Sending out Frequencies of Joy to all with Drumming & Soul Songs!
REGISTRATION: $50/each (Attendance Only. Does not include Ceremonial Cacao, purchase separately )
** REFERRALS ~ Receive $10 credit for any referral who registers or signs up for any of our services. They must enter in your name and email at the time of their registration. **
- If you wish to consume Ceremonial Cacao make sure to order at least 7 business days prior to receive prior to the Retreat. ~ This is completely optional, you do not need to consume Ceremonial Cacao for the event. It is important to read and educate yourself on all of the effects of Ceremonial Cacao. Click the link to purchase ==>> https://www.mausouleum.com/Cacao
- We suggest not to eat too heavily prior to attending, due to the use of your stomach muscles during the Breathwork.
- Make sure to have a location which is very comfortable to full relax and where you have room to move around.
- It is not mandatory to drink Cacao. Cacao is a stimulant and if you are taking medications, please consult your physician.
- Due to the deep healing intensive processes, proceed with your own inner guidance on what you feel aligned to participate in and when to take a break from any of the activities.
We are a mother-daughter team and have dedicated ourselves to the thousands of clients we have served. We take this life dedication very seriously and have attained university degrees in Psychology, Environmental Science and Biology, a decade of advanced energy medicine certifications and 14+ years of healing experience. We are here to provide you expert guidance in a safe, nurturing & blissful environment for you to naturally heal and fully thrive in this modern world with ancient wisdom, energy medicine, the highest quality sound instruments and advanced life-coaching.
Our Rainbow Family Honors Equality ~ LGBTQIA+ Safe Zone ~ We request the honoring of ALL ATTENDEES
Cacao (chocolate in its raw form) is a powerful plant medicine, used in sacred ceremonies over South and Central America for thousands of years. The cacao tree originated in Central America and parts of Mexico and was consumed by pre-Columbian cultures, including the Mayans, in spiritual ceremonies. It is an amazing tool for gently opening up the heart and reconnecting us with our highest self, opening us to hearing our heart’s messages. It can also be used as an effective tool for healing heart-related emotional issues, and opening oneself to the feeling of love, self-love, compassions, and connection with everything around.
It can also be used as an effective tool for healing heart-related emotional issues, and opening oneself to the feeling of love, self-love, compassions, and connection with everything around.Cacao has many documented health benefits. It has a rich source of antioxidants, including flavonoids, which are believed to have an anti-aging effect, can help cardio-vascular health, and improve blood supply to the brain, facilitating learning and memory. Cacao might also help reduce blood pressure.
We use an optimized form of Breathwork based on Wim Hof modalities and ancient Vedic Pranayama. These breathing techniques activate the inner healing intelligence guiding the process to release blockages and revitalize all levels of the psyche, physical body, soul and achieve expanded states of consciousness. Thus providing a unique experience for each person and each and every time.
A Sound Bath is an acoustic sound healing journey that relaxes the body, clears the subconscious, calms the mind, and activates your body’s natural healing systems. Meditation is much easier when your mental activity is reduced by the sounds of the bowls create a comfortable space for you to lie down and let the symphony of sound wash away stress and all that no longer serves you. We use a wide variety of ancient sound healing instruments, including Paiste Planetary Gongs, Nepalese Singing Bowls for each chakra, Gemstone-infused Crystal singing bowls, a rare Crystal Lyre and more to create a sound healing experience that will vibrate and activate every cell in your body, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
COMMON BENEFITS many have reported and are not limited to:
- Increased Inner Peace and Well-being
- Reduction of Addictions, Stress & Anxiety
- Increased Energy & Awakening of Electric Body
- Restorative Oxygenation to all Cells & Tissues
- Natural Release of Emotions & Trauma
- Relief of Physical Pain
- Healing of Chronic Disease & Inflammation
- Meaning & Deeper Spiritual Connectedness
- Release Deep Subconscious Beliefs & Patterns
- Higher States of Consciousness
- Development of senses beyond the 5 physical including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairscent, clairtangency, clairgustance, & clairempathy
- Profound Meditative / Dream-like Journeys/ States of Awareness
- Enhanced Mental Focus & Clarity
- Balance Left/Right Brain Hemisphere Activity
- Deep, Restful Sleep
- Alleviation of Depression
- Blood Pressure Equilibrium
- Strengthened Immune System
- Heightened Creativity/ Focus/ Ability to Concentrate
- Feelings of Contentment & Joy
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or requests.
949.295.1289 | kathy@mauSOULeum.com | www.mauSOULeum.com