Voices Of Celtic Wisdom


Voices of Celtic Wisdom A 4-month online program exploring the living threads of Celtic & other earth-based cultures of Ireland, Scotland, England & Wales With song, story, lore, and hands on craft-making workshops, including your own bundle of crafting materials from these lands Registration now open 30th November 2023 ~ 25th March 2024 Thursdays & […]

Dreaming Wild with Water


Mountain waters are beginning to thaw and flow freely. Spring is on its way. Let’s gather together and journey to the waters and ask what we can do to help them to clear and heal. How can we help our beautiful, watery planet to restore balance? Water is Life. Let’s connect and help water in […]


Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can't select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner […]


Shamanic Journeying Group – LODG

Time is on GMT/UK Time The LODG group has been meeting since 1997. The aim is to provide a safe working environment to practice core shamanic techniques for people who have done an introductory course. It also gives the opportunity to talk about shamanic experiences with others and to foster shamanic community. Within the core […]


SSP’S Spring Equinox Ceremony – Medicine Wheel: East

Online via ZOOM

SPRING EQUINOX CEREMONY Join SSP Board President Jaime Meyer for a spring equinox ceremony honoring the East on the Medicine Wheel, Tuesday, March 19th at 6 PM Mountain Daylight Time. Working with the direction of the East helps us bring renewed energy, inspiration, and new possibilities for all beings, human and others. As we travel […]


Full Moon Shamanic Journey

Online via ZOOM

Join Vicki Snyder-Young in a Journey for the Full Moon. We will open sacred space, smudge, set the intention for the Journey. Vicki will drum as you journey to get guidance and release those things no longer serving you. No experience necessary. Please bring a candle, toothpick, smudge, any journey tools you like and a […]

Where Earth Meets Water

Galveston, TX 17th & Seawall, Galveston, TX, United States

A monthly Shamanism Without Borders clearing and tending drum journey circle addressing what is surfacing within mother earth and the layers in which are requiring attention. This is an in-person event held on the beach in Galveston, TX. For more info visit https://www.into-the-journey.com/event-details-registration/where-earth-meets-water

FREE/Donation Based

April Psychopomp Journey Circle

on Zoom

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can’t select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner to […]


SSP’s Celtic Cross-Quarter Holiday Ceremony: Beltane

Online via ZOOM

THE CELTIC FESTIVAL OF BEALTAINE (BELTANE) Join SSP Board Member Dr. Karen Ward and John Cantwell of Ireland for our next Cross-Quarter Celtic Holiday Ceremony, Bealtaine (Beltane) on May 1st, 2024 at 3:00 PM Mountain Time. Our Ancestors would have looked to the skies in their observation for a season’s dawning. They also would have […]


May Psychopomp Journey Circle

Online via ZOOM

Please use the link to register, thank you! The Zoom link will be sent out the evening before circle to all who sign up.  If you go to sign up and can’t select the class date, it means the class is full.  This circle is free, and you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner to […]


Online via ZOOM

Next Shamanism Without Border's Monthly Call-to-Action TENDING TO THE EXPLOITATION OF EARTH’S RESOURCES Led by Yana Aryze Thursday, May 23rd at 1:00 PM Mountain Time COST: FREE   Please join us for a Shamanism Without Borders tending event. The Earth is our only home. Estimates state that as much as 77% of the land and […]


SSP’s Summer Solstice Medicine Wheel Ceremony

Online via ZOOM

SUMMER SOLSTICE CEREMONY Join SSP Board President Jaime Meyer for a summer solstice ceremony, June 20th at 6 PM Mountain Time. This a one of four quarterly Medicine Wheel Ceremonies available only to members. Jaime will guide those gathered through the making of an offrenda, a beautiful ceremony using a series of flowers, prayers, rattle and […]
