Shipibo Solstice Ceremony

The Society for Shamanic Practice and The Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange offer this Abundance and Prosperity Ceremony for the Solstice from the Shipibo.

SSP is thrilled to offer this unique solstice experience: an 18-minute traditional Ceremony for Abundance and Prosperity facilitated by Shipibo shamans of the upper Amazon.

This is not something you merely watch – you put yourself into it to receive the power and blessing.

The elder, Enrique, and several of his young students, currently engaged in an intensive apprenticeship program created and funded by the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange (CSEE) enact this ceremony using the “Tinaja”, a ceremonial clay vessel that represents the container that is brimming with yet-to-be manifested power – your vision, hopes and intentions for abundance and prosperity (in all of their forms). They sing traditional songs (icaros) that clean your old obstacles to abundance, followed by songs calling in new power. You bring your sincerity and openness to this ceremony, and they bring the traditional wisdom and power that activate your intentions. Don’t let the video format fool you – this ceremony can definitely move energy for you if you let it. You can prepare yourself for the ceremony by creating a sacred space and using your own “Tinaja.” This could be an actual clay pot, cup or bowl – or you can imagine one. This is the container for your intentions for prosperity and abundance in the areas of your life that need the most change. You can speak your prayers, intentions and visions for abundance into the pot, or write them on paper and put them inside. As you’ll see in the ceremony, you can place your hands on your own Tinaja, and feel the prayers and icaros from the ceremony pour activating power into your Tinaja. Several SSP board members have worked directly with Enrique over many years. Board member Anna Stevens acts as a surrogate for you in this ceremony – she symbolically takes your place in the ceremonial circle. To join this unique experience please fill out the form at the bottom, below.



This fundraiser is a collaboration between SSP and CSEE.
SSP is committed to bringing to you authentic ceremonies lead by indigenous shamans. This helps us support traditional elders, bring authentic ways into the broader world, activate healing, and plant seeds for a better future for all living beings on this wondrous earth. Half of every contribution will also go to The Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange.
CSEE engages in unique projects in Indigenous communities in North and South America to perpetuate shamanic wisdom, culture, practice, and traditional ways of life of Indigenous people worldwide. Support for this event will go to the Kurin Metsa School of Shamanism – enabling Enrique and his students to continue their apprenticeship and maintain and secure their medicinal garden.
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If this work is meaningful to you, please donate. Thank you!


Please fill out the form below and we will email you access to the ceremony video. Donation is requested, but not required.